3 Types Of Cladding Material For Buildings & Houses

Cladding is one of the best and affordable ways to transform and brighten up your property’s exterior appearance and consequently raise its value. While choosing on exterior wall cladding material , a lot of factors need to be considered. Here are the three common types of cladding that you can choose from so you are sure to find the one that is most suitable for you. Wood Cladding Wood is classic and so popular that many of the property owners never even consider any other type of wall cladding. However, wood does have its dark side, and the owners need to weigh both the good and the bad when it comes to wood cladding. Wood is an aesthetically good material, though environmentally unfriendly. But when it comes to maintenance, wood demands a lot of maintenance by an annual chemical treatment for protection against weathering and fading. Moreover, wood tends to split and crack when exposed to UV rays and rain. Being a flammable material, wood...